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ComfortZone Brooder

High Efficiency Radiant Tube Poultry Brooders, Single and Two Stage

The result of over 30 years of research, development, and hands on experience in the poultry industry. The Comfortzone Brooder is the poultry growers best option for reliable, fuel efficient, comfortable heat.

Heat the Birds, Not the Air

Unlike forced air heaters, Easy Radiant tube brooders directly heat the floor, creating a cozy, healthy and stress- free environment for the birds. A warm floor means a dry floor which results in a healthier flock with fewer mortalities. The birds are enveloped within a ray of gentle radiant heat from above – and the warm dry floor below – resulting in a comfortable flock at lower ambient air temperatures. Temperature fluctuations across the barn are greatly reduced when compared to other types of heating systems. Higher feed conversions are achieved as the bird burns fewer calories on heating its body, while also expelling fewer calories from moving to regulate body temperature.

Proven Agricultural Success

The proven increase in feed conversions, the decrease in mortality rates, and a typical reduction in energy costs of 30-40% over other types of heat systems make the Comfortzone Brooder the ideal choice for your growing operation. The industry best 4 year warranty provides peace of mind that your investment will last for decades to come.

Based on past performance and success, poultry growers in both Canada and the USA name the Comfortzone Brooder as their first choice for heating their poultry houses.

The Burner

  • Burners from 60,000 to 150,000 BTUH, in lengths from 12′ to 52′.
  • Straight runs, U models, and custom configurations available with the use of 90 and 180 degree elbow kits.
  • Single and two stage models available.
  • Comfortzone models fitted with an operating indicator LED for quick and easy visual confirmation of operation from the ground.
  • Natural gas and propane fired models built to order with no field conversions required.
  • Reliable electronic hot surface ignition.
  • Built with 100% North American made electronic controls.
  • Continuous combustion monitoring with three to five ignition trials before 100% safety lockout.
  • Totally enclosed blower motor with internal thermal overload protection. Blower motor is externally mounted for ease of accessibility and to simplify intake air connection (4″ combustion air intake duct adapter comes standard).
  • Dual air proving switches monitor combustion air and exhaust airflow for safety.
  • Flame observation port to visually observe combustion.
  • Factory ready to accept either 24V or 120V controls.

The Radiant Tube

  • Emitter tubes are 4″ diameter, 16 gauge North American steel.
  • Primary combustion tube made of high temperature, high emissivity specialty alloy.
  • Secondary tubes constructed of 16 gauge carbon steel for high emissivity.
  • Upgraded Comfortzone secondary tubes provided with black high temperature coating for increased emissivity.
  • Swedged tube for ease of installation – no couplers or clamps required at joints.
  • Emitter tubes provided with a 20 year burnout guarantee.

The Reflectors

  • Highly efficient, wide angled aluminum reflectors – engineered to reflect maximum radiant energy over the largest effective area possible.
  • Upgraded near mirror finish on all Comfortzone models for increased reflectivity and efficiency.
  • Steel hangers with suspension points for both flat and angle mounting of reflectors.
  • Side reflectors available.

Batesville Daily Guard – June 18, 2009

Tube Heaters Help Save Energy, Help Poultry Grow Faster

As poultry house builders and poultry growers themselves, the Independence County Farm Family of the year – the Mark and Susan Trucks Family – has introduced energy saving equipment to many farms over the past several years.

Among the improvements are Easy Radiant Works radiant tube heaters, solid sidewall construction and computerized environment systems for chicken houses. Radiant tube heating, introduced about 10 years ago in the Trucks family’s own poultry houses, saved an estimated 30 to 40 percent on propane costs for most chicken houses, Mark said.

An Easy Radiant Works radiant tube heater is a propane or natural gas-fired heater that hangs near the ceiling of the chicken house. It consists of a firebox connected to a metal tube, usually 40 to 50 feet long, running lengthwise in the house. The tube heaters can be used in combination with forced air heaters or as the sole source of heat in a house.

The tube heating system, of which only a small portion is pictured, has a reflector above it to project the heat toward the poultry house floor.

The tube heater is different from radiant brooders or pancake brooders in that its burners are enclosed in a firebox instead of being exposed to house air. The tube heater draws combustion air from outside the house with a fractional horsepower motor, then pushes the heated air from the firebox through the tube. The tubes then radiate that heat downward to the birds. Reflectors above the tubes protect the ceiling and bounce the heat rays from the top of the tube back toward the house floor.

“Radiant” means the heater gives off infrared rays that transfer to any object in the vicinity. Advantages over other systems include not having to heat the air, then circulate the air in order to heat the birds. More comfortable birds also grow faster on less food, meaning a larger profit for the farmer.

Solid sidewall construction was also introduced about 10 years ago. The solid, insulated walls keep the birds cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. The computerized environmental systems help make sure the temperature inside the houses remains at the optimum comfort level for the birds.

Again, this helps create chickens that grow faster on less feed which is important to the farmer, who gets paid by the pound for his or her chickens.

Mark and Susan Trucks along with a few of the 50 people they employ at Batesville Poultry Equipment located on White Drive in Batesville.

Before selling any new equipment, the Trucks family tries it out in their own poultry houses first. They and their employees operate 25 poultry houses on four different farms. “We won’t sell something until we’ve tried it out ourselves,” Susan said. “We don’t want to ask the customers to buy something until we have tried it out and know it works.”

“We like to know what we’re selling and how it works,” Mark said.

Need help?

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Specifications and Clearances

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Operation and Installation Instructions

Full installation/operation instructions for the Comfortzone high efficiency radiant tube brooder

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Legacy Installation Instructions (units built before 2019)

Full installation/operation instructions for the Comfortzone high efficiency radiant tube brooders built during or before the year 2018

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Engineering Submittal

Quick specs, diagrams, and written specifications for the Comfortzone high efficiency radiant tube brooder.

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Illustrated Parts List for Comfortzone Tube Heaters

Part numbers and illustrations of replacement parts for the Comfortzone high efficiency radiant tube heater.

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All of our products have been tested to CSA/CGA & AGA standards Intertek ETL Laboratories to 100% compliance with both Canadian and US gas code. 100% insurance company approved!